Recent Talks

GlueX/PANDA Workshop [(pptx)] [(pdf)]
GWU Ashland VA, May 2019
NSAC Meeting [(pdf)]
Rockville MD, April 2019.
GWU Colloquium [Powerpoint (pptx)] [PDF]
George Washington University, October 2018.
DNP 2017 [ Powerpoint (pptx)] [PDF]
Pittsburgh, PA October 2017.
MESON 2016 [Powerpoint (pptx)] [PDF]
Krakow, Poland, June 4-7, 2016.
Hadron 2015 [Powerpoint (pptx)] [PDF]
Newport News, VA, September 13-18, 2015.
IUP Colloquium [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF]
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana PA, April 24, 2015.
PWA/Athos Workshop [Powerpoint (pptx) [PDF
George Washington University, Ashburn, VA, April 12, 2015.
Modern Trends in Partial Wave Analysis [Powerpoint (pptx) [PDF
Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, November 18, 2014.
Jefferson Lab Accelerator Daily Meeting [Powerpoint (pptx) [PDF
Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, October 4, 2014.
NSAC Town Meeting on Cold QCD [Powerpoint (pptx) [PDF (pdf)
Temple University, Philedelphia, PA, September, 2014.
Jefferson Lab Users Meeting [Powerpoint (pptx)
Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, June 1, 2014.
NCSU Colloquium [PowerPoint (pptx)]
North Carolina State University - March 2014.
Graduate Student Lectures Lecture 1 [PowerPoint (pptx)] Lecture 2 [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Giessen Graduate Student Lectures - December 2013.
CMU Undergraduate Colloquium [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Carnegie Mellon University, November 2013.
National Nuclear Science Summer School [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Stoney Brook, July 2013.
GlueX PAC40 Presentation [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Jefferson Lab, June 2013.
GlueX/Hall-D Physics [PowerPoint (pptx)]
JLab Users Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab, June 2012.
ATHOS 2012 [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Genoa, Italy June 2012.
UTK Colloquium [PowerPoint (pptx)]
University of Tennessee, Knoxville - September 2011.
Amplitude Analysis in GlueX [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF]
PWA Work Day
Jefferson Lab, June 2011.
Spectroscopy: Experimental Status and Prospects [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF]
Workshop on Excited Hadronic States and The Deconfinement Transition
Jefferson Lab, February 2011.
GlueX PAC36 Presentation [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Jefferson Lab, August 2010.
GlueX/Hall-D Physics [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF]
JLab Users Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab, June 2010.
The Physics of GlueX [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF]
GlueX Graduate Student Workshop, Jefferson Lab, May 2010.
Meson spectroscopy with photo- and electro-production [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF]
EIC WOrkshop at Rutgers, March 2010.
Quarks, QCD and Confinement:
What we hope to learn at Jefferson Lab [PowerPoint (pptx)]
Colloquium at ASU, February 2010.
The Physics of GlueX [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PDF (pdf)]
I.N.T. Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy
University of Washington, Seattle WA, November 2009.
Gluonic Hadrons as a Probe of Confinement [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PowerPoint (ppt)] [PDF]
Undergraduate Colloquium.
Saint Vincent College, September 29 2009.
Exotics at Brookhaven and Jefferson Lab [PowerPoint (pptx)] [PowerPoint (ppt)] [PDF]
Charmed Exotics Workshop.
Bad Honef Germany, August 10-12 2009.
The Hadron Spectrum [PDF]
Workshop on Exascale Computing
January, 2009.
The GlueX Experiment [pptx] [Power Point]
PWA Workshop
Munich Germany, October, 2008.
The K-Matrix Formalism [pdf]
PWA Workshop
Munich Germany, October, 2008.
Physics and Tracking Performance of GlueX [Power Point]
GlueX/Hall D Tracking and PID Review
March 25, 2008.
The Hadron Spectrum and QCD [Power Point] [PDF]
Colloquium at the University of Tenessee, Knoxville
December 3, 2007.
Gluonic Hadrons: A Probe of Confinement [Power Point] [PDF]
Colloquium at Old Dominium University
October 29, 2007
Glonic Hadrons [Power Point] [PDF]
Undergraduate Colloquium at CMU
September, 2007
The GlueX Experiment [Power Point]
Talk at the GHP 2006 Meeting
October 14, 2006
Forefront Issues in Meson Spectroscopy [Power Point] [PDF]
Seminar at the Nuclear Science Summer School
July 24, 2006
Glueballs, Hybrid and Exotics [Power Point] [PDF]
Talx at CIPANP 2006
May 31, 2006.
The GlueX Experiment [Power Point] [PDF]
Talx at CIPANP 2006
May 30, 2006.
Pentaquarks: An Experimental Overview [Power Point]
APS April Meeting
April 16, 2005.
Pentaquarks: An Experimental Overview [Power Point] [PDF]
Seminar at Argonne National Lab
March 2, 2005.
Nuclear Science in the United States [Power Point]
Undergraduate Colloquium at CMU
November, 2003

© 2023 Curtis A. Meyer